The Messes

Fiona Denaliā€™s mind is a fortress of secrets: things she canā€™t tell, people she must protect. She never wanted to hurt anyone, but they hurt her first. Now, she must protect the one person she can still count onā€”herself. On the run from anyone who knows her face, Fiona crosses paths with a man whose eyes seem just as haunted as her own. She could save him...but he could destroy her. Itā€™s a choice sheā€™s had before, but last time she chose wrong. Logan North is done. His life is over. Eventually, theyā€™ll catch him and kill him. And honestly, he canā€™t see much reason why thatā€™d be a bad thing. The only thing keeping him moving is the girl who seems to need him more than she realizes. He had no intention of ever helping anyone again. Not after the last time went so wrong. But Fiona may make him rethink his plan.