Stella of Akrotiri

Born an orphan, raised as a warrior princess, desired by men. Can an Immortal claim her heart? The first adopted daughter of Stella and Darius, Diana has been raised as if she were one of the fabled Amazon princesses. Her mornings are spent training with Darius at the agōgē, her skills as a warrior matched only by a few of the Deminon army recruits. Her afternoons are spent with Stella as she learns the art of diplomacy and the importance of service to others. Never does Diana wonder why her parents are so devoted to one another, or why they seem to speak of the past as if they lived in it. The curious stares aimed in her direction by the agōgēā€™s doctor, Antonyā€”even when sheā€™s not in the circle of battleā€”has Diana on edge. Learning she has a much older adopted brotherā€”one who seems to youthen as he agesā€”has her questioning her origins. So the arrival of Augustus of Assyria seems fortuitous. Her fatherā€™s oldest friend is welcomed with open arms even as he is followed by a threat to the future of Deminon. With his intimate knowledge of her parents, perhaps heā€™ll have the answers Diana seeks. Or will the Roman senatorā€™s revelation about her only complicate matters? For his attentions are far more intense than those of Antonyā€”and far more arousing.