
The Three Musketeers I

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Prepare yourself for the ultimate swashbuckling epic! Perhaps Alexandre Dumasā€™ most famous creation, this tale of heroic swordsmen set the standard for every adventure story that followed.

This first part of the novel centres on Dā€™Artagnan, who leaves home to make his fortune in 17th Century Paris. There he meets the famous Musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis. The four become steadfast friends, committed to serving the king and preserving peace. But thereā€™s a darkness looming on the horizonā€”the villainous Cardinal Richelieu plans to plunge France into war.

Packed with boisterous characters and derring-do, "The Three Musketeers" remains a page-turner. Itā€™s been adapted for the big screen many times, including a 1993 Disney movie starring Charlie Sheen.

Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th Century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright, but later gained international fame with his historical fiction.

Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from Franceā€™s past. Among the best known are "The Three Musketeers", and its sequels "Twenty Years After", and "Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing Dā€™Artagnanā€”from hot-headed soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV.

Dumasā€™ other novels include "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Black Tulip". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including The Man in the Iron Mask starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Verteller: Paul Ansdell