
The Left Hand of Calvus


Former gladiator Saevius is certain Fortuneā€™s smiling on him when a Pompeiian politician buys him to be his bodyguard. That is until his new master, Laurea Calvus, orders Saevius to discover the gladiator with whom his wife is having a sordid affair. In order to do that, Saevius must return to the arena, training alongside the very men on whom heā€™s spying. Worse, heā€™s now under the command of Drusus, a notoriously cruelā€”and yet strangely intriguingā€”lanista.

But Saeviusā€™s ruse is the least of his worries. Thereā€™s more to the affair than a wife humiliating her prominent husband, and now Saevius is part of a dangerous game between dangerous men. He isnā€™t the only gladiator out to expose the Lady Verinaā€™s transgressions, and her husband wants more than just the guilty manā€™s name.

When Saevius learns the truth about the affair, heā€™s left with no choice but to betray a master: one heā€™s come to fear, one heā€™s come to respect, and either of whom could have him killed without repercussion.

For the first time in his life, the most dangerous place for this gladiator isnā€™t the arena.

This 52,500 word novel was previously published under the pseudonym L.A. Witt, and has been lightly revised.

Verteller: Michael Ferraiuolo