
The Greatest Heist in Joviala


A girl fights to free her sister from a curse while a beautiful mountain is at risk of being turned into a theme park in this giggle-worthy yet heartfelt middle grade adventure set in the world of The Bravest Warrior in Nefaria.

Having grown up in Nefaria, a land where evil schemes abound, Candelabra is thrilled to take a school trip to Joviala, a land thatā€™s prone to natural disasters but has virtually no evil in it. All her life, sheā€™s dreamt of a place where everyone is caring and happy and without malicious intent, and now itā€™s coming true for her.

But Jovialan Schmebecca isnā€™t so sure her countryā€™s reputation is earned. A company has just been approved to move her beloved mountain to install a theme park, and that sounds pretty evil to her. She enlists the help of veteran evil-scheme-thwarters Candelabra and Bobert, and together, they work to uncover the possible evil schemeā€”but when a twist pits their goals against each other, the fight against evil becomes a lot more complicated.