
The Boyfriend


Adele has had a colorful romantic past, but she's finally found her soulmate in Tom. They're engaged, and she's looking forward to a future of blissful happiness. But then she realizes her ex-boyfriends are turning up dead. At first, the deaths seem accidental, but soon a sinister pattern emerges. All of Adele’s former partners are being killed off—in the order she dated them. As the body count grows, Adele has to figure out who is doing this and why. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time until the killer gets to Tom...


15 beoordelingen



Boeken van deze schrijver vind ik geen literaire hoogstandjes maar meer leuk voor tussendoor. Ik heb dit uitgeluisterd omdat ik hoopte dat het misschien wat spannender zou worden en toch ook wilde weten wie de dader was. Maar nee, totaal niet spannend of verrassend. Beetje onlogisch allemaal..