
Great Empires: History of the Mongols and the Huns


This book contains several titles, which are the following:

Genghis Khan - Genghis Khan was the Mongol emperor who has expanded his region to the biggest empire on the face of the earth ever. His empire stretched from East Asia all the way to various European countries, the Middle East, and beyond.

What made Genghis Khan so successful?

Was he a brute, rapist, and pillaging dictator, or did he have a tolerant side as well?

You will learn more about his early life, his relationships, marriage, families and children, his attacks, his unification of the Mongolian Federations, his death, succession, and the continuing of the Mongolian Empire after his death.

Mongolian Empire - The Mongolian Empire was not to be trifled with! Genghis Khan and his followers conquered a vast part of Asia, Europe, and beyond. There aren’t many people who haven’t heard of these conquerors and their achievement. Honor them or despise them, but at least acknowledge their existence.

How did the Mongol Empire grow so big?

What was it like before the expansion?

These questions and many others will be answered in this historical guide. Their dominance, their attitude, and their culture will be explained, as well as their practices of war and various other parts of their society.

Attila the Hun - You may have heard about him: Attila the Hun. Let's discover who this individual actually was and why he has such a bad track record of being a callous, aggressive conqueror in the first millennium after Christ. Attila the Hun was the ruler of the Huns from the year 434 till his death in the month of March in the year 453. Also, he was the leader of a tribal realm which consisted mainly of Huns, Ostrogoths, Alans and Bulgars, to name a few, in Central Europe and in Eastern Europe.

Verteller: Doug Greene